Discover the Power of Functional Medicine Testing

Functional medicine lab testing, such as HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) and OAT (Organic Acids Test), can help uncover the root causes of health issues. HTMA assesses mineral levels in your hair, offering insights into your overall well-being. OAT evaluates organic acid levels in your urine, providing valuable information about your metabolism and detoxification pathways. By combining these tests, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your health, enabling you to create a personalized plan for improvement.

Discover the Power of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Our advanced Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis provides valuable insights into your body's mineral levels and imbalances.

Uncover Hidden Health Issues with Functional Medicine Testing

Our comprehensive Functional Medicine Testing helps identify the root causes of your health concerns.

Take Control of Your Health with Personalized Treatment Plans

Our expert team creates personalized treatment plans based on the results of your Functional Medicine Testing.

Comprehensive Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Feeling stressed, tired, anxious, or overwhelmed may indicate that your nervous system is under strain. Minerals, including electrolytes, provide essential energy for daily activities and help buffer the effects of stress. The Mineral & Metals Test offers a comprehensive analysis of adrenal function—the body's stress support system—and assesses exposure to toxic metals. Low mineral reserves, electrolyte imbalances, or high levels of toxic metals can impair your ability to manage stress effectively, leading to various health challenges.

Minerals & Electrolytes

Toxic Heavy Metals

Important Mineral Ratios

Additional Minerals

Oxidation Rate

Discover the Benefits of an OAT Test

An Organic Acids Test (OAT) offers valuable insights into your body's metabolic function and health by analyzing urine metabolites. This helps identify nutritional deficiencies, gut imbalances, and toxin exposure for personalized treatment plans.

Uncover Hidden Health Issues with an OAT Test

Many health conditions stem from metabolic imbalances detectable through an Organic Acids Test (OAT). Our experienced team will interpret the results and guide you towards targeted interventions for optimal healing.

Personalized Treatment Plans Based on OAT Test Results

Once we receive your Organic Acids Test (OAT) results, our practitioners will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs. This approach addresses underlying imbalances to restore balance, optimize health, and prevent future issues.

Why You Should Consider an OAT Test?

An Organic Acids Test (OAT) offers a thorough metabolic overview, delivering crucial insights into your body's biochemistry. By examining the metabolites in your urine, an OAT can pinpoint nutrient deficiencies, gut dysbiosis, neurotransmitter imbalances, and other underlying health issues.

Identify nutrient deficiencies and optimize your health

Uncover hidden gut imbalances and improve digestion

Gain insights into your brain chemistry and mood regulation

Discover a New Path to Wellness

Meet Sam, a 65-year-old who was diagnosed with clinical depression 25 years ago. Tired of missing out on life, he decided to give us a chance. Through our comprehensive approach, including IV hydration, supplementation, and the Superhuman Protocol, Sam has awakened and is back and better than ever!


Find answers to common questions about Functional Medicine Testing.

What is Functional Medicine Testing?

Functional Medicine Testing is a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating health issues by analyzing various biomarkers and functional imbalances in the body.

How to prepare?

Before undergoing Functional Medicine Testing, it is important to follow any specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider, such as fasting or avoiding certain medications.

What tests are conducted?

Functional Medicine Testing may include a range of tests, such as blood tests, urine tests, genetic tests, and stool tests, depending on the specific health concerns being addressed.

Are the tests accurate?

Functional Medicine Testing is based on scientific evidence and utilizes advanced laboratory techniques to ensure accurate results. However, it is important to interpret the results in the context of your overall health and consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

How long for results?

The turnaround time for Functional Medicine Testing results can vary depending on the specific tests being conducted. Your healthcare provider will provide you with an estimated timeline.